Split Array Largest Sum

[Question]: Given an integer array nums and an integer k, split nums into k non-empty subarrays such that the largest sum of any subarray is minimized. Return the minimized largest sum of the split.

subarray is a contiguous part of the array.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [7,2,5,10,8], k = 2
Output: 18
Explanation: There are four ways to split nums into two subarrays.
The best way is to split it into [7,2,5] and [10,8], where the largest sum among the two subarrays is only 18.
// TC: O(Nlog(N))
// SC: O(1)
func splitArray(_ nums: [Int], _ splitValue: Int) -> Int {
    //-1. find the boundary
    var left = 0, right = 0
    for num in nums {
        left = max(num, left)
        right += num
    var result = Int.max
    while left <= right {
        let mid = left + (right - left)/2
        if isValidSplitSum(nums, mid, splitValue) {
            result = min(result, mid)
            right = mid - 1
        } else {
            left = mid + 1
    return result

private func isValidSplitSum(_ nums: [Int], _ aSplitSum: Int, _ splitValue: Int) -> Bool {
    var count = 1
    var current = 0
    for i in 0..<nums.count {
        current += nums[i]
        if nums[i] > aSplitSum {
            return false
        if current > aSplitSum {
            current = nums[i]
            count += 1
    return count <= splitValue
let arrSplitArray = [7,2,5,10,8]
let splitInto = 2
let opSplitSum = splitArray(arrSplitArray, splitInto)
print("op Split Sum ", opSplitSum)// 18 which is 10+8 [7,2,5] [10,8]

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