Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station

[Question] We have an horizontal number line. On that number line, we have gas stations at positions stations[0], stations[1], …, stations[N-1], where = size of the stations array. Now, we add K more gas stations so that D, the maximum distance between adjacent gas stations, is minimized. We have to find the smallest possible value of D. Find the answer exactly to 2 decimal places.

Example 1:

N = 10
stations = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
K = 9
Output: 0.50
Explanation: Each of the 9 stations can be added mid way between all the existing adjacent stations.

Example 2:

N = 10
stations = [3,6,12,19,33,44,67,72,89,95]
K = 2
Output: 14.00
// TC: O(Nlog(N))
// SC: O(1)
func isPossibleToPlace(_ stations: [Int],_ x: Double) -> Int {
    var station_count = 0
    for i in 0..<stations.count - 1 {
        let distance = Double(stations[i + 1] - stations[i])
        station_count += Int(ceil(distance / x)) - 1
    return station_count

func findSmallestMaxDist(_ stations: [Int], _ k: Int) ->Double {
    // Code here
    var low = 0.0;
    var n = stations.count
    var high = Double(stations[n - 1] - stations[0])
    while (high - low) > 0.000001 {
        var mid = Double(low + high) / 2
        var x = isPossibleToPlace(stations, mid)
        if x > k {
            low = mid
        } else {
            high = mid
    return high

let gasStationArray = [3,6,12,19,33,44,67,72,89,95]
let gasStationToBeInsert = 2
let gasStationDistance = findSmallestMaxDist(gasStationArray, gasStationToBeInsert)
print(" gasStationDistance -- ", gasStationDistance)// 14

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