[Question]: Given a sorted doubly linked list head. Remove duplicate nodes from the given list.
Step 1: Compare current node item with next node item
Step 2: If two items same move next pointer to next’s next
Step 3: If current Node & next Node doesn’t match use node = next
func removeDupsFromSortedDLL( _ head: DoublyLinkedListNode<Int>?) -> DoublyLinkedListNode<Int>? {
var node = head
while let next = node?.next {
if node!.item == next.item {
let nxtItem = next.next
node!.next = nxtItem
nxtItem?.previous = node
} else {
node = next
return head
var sortedDLL = DoublyLinkedList<Int>()
sortedDLL = [1,2,2,2,3,3,4,9]
let sortedDLLOutput = removeDupsFromSortedDLL(sortedDLL.head)
print("sorted DLL is--- ",sortedDLLOutput) // (1 <- -> 2 <- -> 3 <- -> 4 <- -> 9)