[Question] Given a string s, reverse the words of the string.
Note: Remove extra spaces from output
Example 1: Input: s=”My Name is Janesh” Output: “Janesh is Name My” Example 2: Input: s= " My Name is Janesh" Output: "Janesh is Name My"
// TC: O(N)
// SC: O(1)
func reverseWords(_ s: String)-> String {
var left = 0
let right = s.count - 1
var temp = ""
var ans = ""
// Iterate the string and keep on adding to form a word to temp & transfer to ans
// If empty space is encountered then add the current word to the ans
while left <= right {
let indexEl = s.index(s.startIndex, offsetBy: left)
var ch = String(s[indexEl])
if ch != " " {
temp += ch// fill word into temp
} else if ch == " " {// move data from temp to answer & reset temp
if ans != "" {
if temp != "" {// If contiguous element is " " empty string don't add any more white space
ans = temp + " " + ans
} else {
ans = temp
temp = ""
//If temp is not empty string then add to the result(Last word to be added)
if temp != "" {
if ans != "" {
ans = temp + " " + ans
} else {
ans = temp
return ans
let stringToReverseWords = " My Name is Janesh"
let opWords = reverseWords(stringToReverseWords)
print("op words--->", opWords, opWords.count)//op words---> Janesh is Name My 17