[Question 1] .Given an array arr
, replace every element in that array with the greatest element among the elements to its right, and replace the last element with -1
Example 1:: Input: arr = [17,18,5,4,6,1] Output: [18,6,6,6,1,-1] Explanation: - index 0 --> the greatest element to the right of index 0 is index 1 (18). - index 1 --> the greatest element to the right of index 1 is index 4 (6). - index 2 --> the greatest element to the right of index 2 is index 4 (6). - index 3 --> the greatest element to the right of index 3 is index 4 (6). - index 4 --> the greatest element to the right of index 4 is index 5 (1). - index 5 --> there are no elements to the right of index 5, so we put -1.
// TC: O(N)
// SC: O(N)
func replaceElements(_ arr: [Int]) -> [Int] {
let arrayCount = arr.count
if arrayCount == 0 {return []}
let lastIndex = arrayCount - 1
var nums = Array.init(repeating: -1, count: arrayCount)
var curMax = arr[lastIndex]
nums[lastIndex] = -1// As per question requirement
for i in stride(from: lastIndex - 1, through: 0, by: -1) {
let temp = curMax
curMax = max(curMax, arr[i])
nums[i] = temp
return nums
var leaderArr1 = [10, 22, 12, 3, 0, 6]
let leaderArrayOutput1 = replaceElements(leaderArr1)
print("leaderArrayOutput1 array-->", leaderArrayOutput1) [22, 12, 6, 6, 6, -1]
[Question 2] : Problem Statement: Given an array, print all the elements which are leaders. A Leader is an element that is greater than all of the elements on its right side in the array
Example 1: Input: arr = [4, 7, 1, 0] Output: 7 1 0 Explanation: Rightmost element is always a leader. 7 and 1 are greater than the elements in their right side.
// TC O(N)
// SC O(N)
func findLeader(arr: [Int]) ->[Int] {
var leader = arr.last ?? 0
var leaderArray:[Int] = [leader]// Last will always leader because no elements are on right
for obj in stride(from: arr.count-2, to: 0, by: -1) {
if arr[obj] > leader {// If element is greater than leader append it into new array
leader = arr[obj]
return leaderArray
var leaderArr = [10, 22, 12, 3, 0, 6]
let leaderArrayOutput = findLeader(arr: leaderArr)
print("Leader array-->", leaderArrayOutput)//[6, 12, 22]