Find Nth root using Binary search.

[Question]: Given two numbers N and M, find the Nth root of M. The nth root of a number M is defined as a number X when raised to the power N equals M. If the ‘nth root is not an integer, return -1.

Example 1:
Input Format: N = 3, M = 27
Result: 3
Explanation: The cube root of 27 is equal to 3.

Example 2:
Input Format: N = 4, M = 69
Result: -1
Explanation: The 4th root of 69 does not exist. So, the answer is -1. however 64 with cube root 3 possible.
// TC: O(lon(N))
// SC: O(1)
func getMidMultiply(_ mid: Int, _ n: Int, _ m: Int) ->Int {
    var ans = 1
    for _ in 1...n {
        ans = ans * mid
        if (ans > m) {
            return 2
    if (ans == m) { return 1}// if we got th exact match return as 1 hence we got as a mid element
    return 0

func NthRoot(_ n: Int, _ m: Int) ->Int {
    var low = 1
    var high = m
    while low <= high {
        let mid = (low + high) / 2
        let midN = getMidMultiply(mid, n, m)// Find perfect square
        if midN == 1 {// Got perfect square
            return mid
        } else if midN == 0 {// discard first half
            low = mid + 1
        } else {// discard second half
            high = mid - 1
    return -1

let firstIp = 3
let secondIp = 27
let opRoot = NthRoot(firstIp, secondIp)
print("The answer is: ", opRoot)// 4 because 3*3*3 = 27

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